April 29, 2022 • Hoakalei Country Club
Mahalo to all the sponsors, donors, volunteers, and golfers that made the GCA 2022 Scholarship Golf Tournament on April 29, 2022 a success!
BIG MAHALO to the Hoakalei Country Club for having us.
Mahalo to all the golfers and teams! We apologize if we missed getting a photo of your team. Thank you to Adam Taylor (website here) for your photography skills! (photos by Adam has his logo on the bottom left)
FIRST PLACE: First Hawaiian Bank Team B (52)
SECOND PLACE: S&M Sakamoto Inc. Team A (54)
THIRD PLACE: Risk Solution Partners (55)
4: WestPac Wealth Partners (56)
5: Kiewit Team A (57)
6: Innovative Designs and Sales / Five Birdies (58)
T7: S&M Sakamoto Inc. Team B (59)
T7: Moss & Associates Team B (59)
T7: Albert C. Kobayashi, Inc. Team A (59)
T7: Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company Team B (59)
T7: Arcadia Inc. / Arcadia Custom Team B (59)
T12: Manageability, LLC (60)
T12: Layton Construction Company (60)
T12: Plumbing & Mechanical Contractors Association of Hawaii (60)
T15: First Hawaiian Bank Team A (61)
T15: Swinerton Builders Team A (61)
T15: Arcadia Inc. / Arcadia Custom Team A (61)
T18: Moss & Associates Team Team A (62)
T18: Albert C. Kobayashi, Inc. Team B (62)
T18: R&L Ohana Insulation Inc. Team A (62)
T18: Hensel Phelps Team B (62)
T18: Matson (62)
T23: Office Pavilion (63)
T23: Simpson Strong-Tie (63)
T25: D. R. Horton Team A (64)
T25: Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company Team A (64)
T25: Koga Engineering & Construction Team A (64)
T28: D. R. Horton Team B (65)
T28: Kiewit Team B (65)
T28: Swinerton Builders Team B (65)
T28: Koga Engineering & Construction Team B (65)
32: Jayar Construction (66)
T33: Statewide Safety Systems Team B (67)
T33: HC&D (67)
T33: McClone Construction Company (67)
T33 Hawaii LECET (67)
T37: A&E Equipment Rentals (68)
T37: Ronald N.S. Ho & Associates (68)
T39: Tomco Corp (70)
T39: Nordic PCL Construction, Inc. (70)
41: Risk Solution Partners Team A (71)
T42: R&L Ohana Insulation Inc. Team B (72)
T42: GPRM Prestress, LLC (72)
T44: Statewide Safety Systems Team A (73)
T44: American Electric Co. (73)
46: Hensel Phelps Team A (83)
NC: Hawthorne Cat (NC)
NC: Sunbelt Rentals (NC)
Every year since 2018, the GCA has awarded scholarships to two (2) University of Hawaii at Manoa civil engineering students. This year, we are expanding our scholarship offerings to provide nine (9) scholarships to students in the Construction Engineering Program, Civil Engineering, or any full-time engineering students. Part of our GCA strategic plan is to enhance and ensure a strong pipeline of future workers into the construction industry, and we believe these scholarships are a critical component of this process.
The golf tournament will be a three-person Team Scramble, with lunch provided and numerous amenities, drinks, and food offered throughout the course. This year also marks the return of our in-person, 19th hole dinner banquet! Stay after your round for dinner, drinks, lucky drawing prizes, and team awards.
(Sponsor list updated as of 4/25/2022)
A & E Equipment Rentals
American Electric
Arcadia, Inc.
Hawthorne Cat
Innovative Designs and Sales / Five Birdies
Jayar Construction, Inc.
Koga Engineering & Construction, Inc.
Manageability, LLC
McClone Construction Company
Nordic PCL Construction, Inc.
Office Pavilion
Plumbing & Mechanical Contractors Association of Hawaii
Risk Solution Partners, LLC
RMH Electric
Ronald N.S. Ho & Associates
Simpson Strong-Tie
Swinerton Builders
Tomco Corp.
WestPac Wealth Partners
Akira Yamamoto Painting, Inc.
Alan Shintani, Inc.
Painting and Decorating Contractors Association of Hawaii

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Final standings and sponsors: