GCA Committees: A Benefit to Our Industry, Your Company, & YOU!
Sections in this article:
- Broaden Your Horizons
- Get Smarter Faster and Support Our Industry
- Why Join a GCA Committee
- Practical Advice on How to Get Started
YOUR COMPANY MUST BE A GCA MEMBER FOR YOU TO JOIN A GCA COMMITTEE. Not a member? Click here for the benefits of membership or here if you're ready to apply.
The GCA committees are the heart and soul of the GCA. “Committees are where the action happens,” says Steven Chiang of HammerTech, and a member of the AIA-GCA-ACECH and Programs & Training Committees. Many others who have been involved in GCA committees over the years share this sentiment.
In addition to networking with knowledgeable, experienced contractors and other construction industry professionals, you can enjoy access to timely information on topics of interest to you and influence the direction of the construction industry. Your participation on a committee is well worth your time.
GCA members recently shared their thoughts about the value of participating in a GCA committee based on their firsthand experiences.

As with many other areas of life, our understanding of how things work is limited by our experiences or by those within our circle. We don’t know what we don’t know. Participating in a committee opens the door to new people and new ideas.
“I often find that I can have a narrow perspective on issues since I only see them through my lens of experience. By having discussions at committee meetings and with committee members, I broaden my perspective and gain insights that I could not get alone or just among my peers at my company.”
- Lance Wilhlem
The Wilhelm Group
“I joined a committee because my predecessor who was training me was a GCA member and he always told me to be open-minded and see how other professionals run their program to help me to grow my program to the way I wanted,” said Mark Hall of Quality General Inc., who is a member of the GCA Safety Committee. I am really glad I did because I learned a lot from the meetings. If I need any type of help, there is always someone who I can call to get help or advice.”
Samantha Haas of WestPac Wealth Partners, a member of the GCA’s Programs and Training and Workforce Development Committees, agrees, “I am able to connect with other members in a smaller group setting and have discussions geared towards topics we are all interested in.”
Lance Wilhelm of The Wilhelm Group LLC, an AGC Life Governor and a member of the GCA Legislative committee added, “I often find that I can have a narrow perspective on issues since I only see them through my lens of experience. By having discussions at committee meetings and with committee members, I broaden my perspective and gain insights that I could not get alone or just among my peers at my company.”
As a member of the GCA Human Resources Committee, Alicia Ramos of Alan Shintani, Inc. likes being on the committee to collaborate with other HR professionals to discuss topics of common concern and learn about training opportunities.

Knowledge is power. The more you know, the more you are able to contribute to advancing the construction industry so that it can continue to be a major economic pillar in Hawaii. GCA committee members are shaping Hawaiiʻs construction industry, now and into the future. By participating in a committee, you can also gain a wealth of insights about upcoming projects and often hear directly from project owners or government agency leaders to know what is important to them.
“I actually joined GCA because of the committees. It gave me the opportunity to learn about the problems facing our industry and participate in real solutions,” Samantha said.
“There are several reasons that I got involved and stay involved at the committee level. First of all, the committees are an amazing resource for the latest information I’m most interested in,” Lance said. “The committees are generally made up of knowledgeable, experienced people so it is a place that I can go to get some of my technical questions answered.”
“I actually joined GCA because of the committees. It gave me the opportunity to learn about the problems facing our industry and participate in real solutions.”
- Samantha Haas
WestPac Wealth Partners
Making the construction industry more resilient means continuously looking at ways to make things better. That is why John Romanowski of Jas. W. Glover, Ltd. says he joined the GCA Legislative, Safety, and State DOT Committees: “To improve the industry by participating in opportunities to jointly solve shared issues.”

A few members of the GCA Safety Committee at the 2023 Safety Awards. The Safety Committee provides an open forum where safety and health professionals associated with the GCA, can obtain valuable information and resources necessary to meet their company’s safety goals, thereby increasing profitability and quality of life for their stakeholders. For more, click here.
John Romanowski noted that it has often been said that what you get out of something depends on what you put into it. That holds true for GCA. If you’re a GCA member, consider taking the next step of joining a committee.
Actively engaging with other members at a GCA committee adds another dimension to your membership, and offers a way to derive more value from your company’s membership in the GCA.
Those GCA members who responded to an informal poll unanimously agreed that every GCA member should seriously consider joining a committee. Participating in a committee gives you opportunities to interact with other members more frequently and you’ll feel more a part of the organization. What would they tell GCA members who are thinking about joining a committee?
Mark: “I would say you would not regret it, well worth the time.”
Alicia: “Do it. What do you have to lose?”
Tamzen Lovejoy of Dorvin D. Leis Co., Inc., and member of the GCA Human Resources Committee, said, “Do it! You won't regret it. I have been a member for almost eight years via two different companies and have absolutely valued my connections and, of course, Gladys (Hagemann). She is amazing!
Lance: “Whether it is committees that regularly meet with different government agencies, such as the Hawaii Department of Transportation or those that meet to address specific industry issues, such as safety, I know that the information being discussed is timely and relevant.”
Lance: I would find a topic or area of work that you care about, and join that committee. The more meaningful the work is to you personally, the more engaged you will be in the discussions. Also don’t be afraid to join even if you’re newer to an agency or even newer to the industry. Every single person on that committee was new at one point in their careers and had to learn everything they know, sometimes the hard way. I have found that those experienced people join in part to share what they know with people who will one day take their place, thus maintaining a strong and robust industry. I have never had anyone say to me, “That was a stupid question!” and I promise you, I asked a lot of stupid questions over the years. No scared ‘em, go get ‘em!!
If you're ready to "Go get 'em!" and join a GCA committee or several, contact Gladys Hagemann: GLADYS@GCAHAWAII.ORG
Full list of GCA committees, click here.
YOUR COMPANY MUST BE A GCA MEMBER FOR YOU TO JOIN A GCA COMMITTEE. Not a member? Click here for the benefits of membership or here if you're ready to apply.
YOUR COMPANY MUST BE A GCA MEMBER FOR YOU TO JOIN A GCA COMMITTEE. Not a member? Click here for the benefits of membership or here if you're ready to apply.
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