Legislative Priorities: 2022 Session
The 2022 Legislative Session adjourned on May 5, 2022. GCA advocated on behalf of the construction industry throughout the session. We focused our advocacy on opposing efforts attempting to raise the cost of construction, supporting/opposing various procurement code amendments, and supporting state construction initiatives. Some of our major accomplishments include:
- Advocating for a historic $6 Billion Construction Budget (various measures including HB 1600 HD1 SD2 CD1, see CivilBeat story here).
- Amending the Procurement Code to remove the procurement preference for Hawaii products for construction. SB2384 SD2 HD2 CD1.
- Preventing employers from having to pay the highest schedule amount of contributions to the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund. This relief will allow contributory employers to replenish the UCTF and help reestablish the fund's integrity without facing the highest contribution schedules for years as Hawaii's economy continues to recover from the COVID-19 Pandemic. HB2471 HD1 SD2.
- Requiring that the Procurement Policy Board contain at least one member with five years of high-level construction experience. SB2383 SD2 HD2 CD1.
This years stats include:
This report highlights key measures affecting the construction industry through the second decking deadline (4/8/22). The GCA’s Legislative Committee determined our advocacy position for each measure identified below. Please note that this list is not exhaustive of every measure affecting the industry and that the substance of each measure may evolve as the session progresses.
This mid-session report identifies key measures affecting the construction industry during the first half of the legislative session. The GCA’s Legislative Committee determined our advocacy position for each measure identified below. Please note that this list is not exhaustive of every measure affecting the industry and that the substance of each measure may evolve as the session progresses.
Interested in finding out more about the GCA Legislative Committee: click here.
GCA Members, interested in joining? Contact Gladys at info@gcahawaii.org.