Preparing for the Summer Months
Member Voice on summer activities and plans
Summer is here and that means things are heating up in our islands. Contractors are protecting employees from rising temperatures and Hawaiiʻs scorching sun by doing simple but important things.
“We provide team members with long-sleeved work shirts and tinted safety spoggles to protect against UV exposure”
- Chris Sanchez
Concrete Coring
“We provide team members with long-sleeved work shirts and tinted safety spoggles to protect against UV exposure,” said Chris Sanchez, Concrete Worker with Concrete Coring Company.
“We provide uniforms with breathable, moisture-wicking fabric and sunscreen to our employees at our job sites,” said Dennis Nishiguchi, Superintendent at D.R. Horton Hawaii. “Using sunscreen and reapplying throughout the day is important and using tinted safety glasses when working outside."
Staying hydrated also tops the list of advice of GCA members to avoid severe health conditions.
“Be on alert for minor signs your body is not adjusting to summer conditions such as body aches, joint stiffness, and cramping,” said Roxanne Rivera, with the Purchasing/Estimating Department of Leeward Roofing & General Contracting. “Add electrolytes to your water! We may think we are consuming enough water but in actuality, we are not.”

“Add electrolytes to your water! We may think we are consuming enough water but in actuality, we are not.”
- Roxanne Rivera
Leeward Roofing & General Contracting
“Our bodies may go into shock as we transition from hot to cold as we go from working in the sun to the AC in our cars during a long, slow drive home,” she added.
“Along with reminders to keep hydrated, we also share the warning signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, so that our team is aware of the signs and symptoms to monitor themselves and each other while on job sites,” Chris Sanchez said. “Education and awareness are key elements to safety in the workplace. We also have ice available to fill water coolers on a daily basis.”

Q: What is your favorite activity during the summer months?
Grace Castillo (Elite Pacific Construction, Inc.):
Living in Hawaii, the beach is a given. It's being able to spend quality time with the kids having a blast and seeing their happy faces because school is out for the summer! LOL.
Herman Hamada Jr. (Koga Engineering & Construction Inc.):
Spending time with my wife and two children as well as our ohana and extended family. Getting out as a family to ohana events and get togethers.
Lorina Modelski (Pineridge Farms, Inc.):
Hanging out with friends and family by the pool.
Dennis Nishiguchi (D. R. Horton Hawaii):
Roxanne Rivera (Leeward Roofing & General Contracting):
1. Riding around the island, stopping for local faves along the coastline such as shave ice, pickled mango, shrimp, kulolo with ice cream. We also love stopping at random pop ups on the side of the road to discover and support locals.... you know for the smoked meat, laulau and poke.
2. Get to the beach just before sunset. Walking after a long day helps with clarity and the photo opportunities are just breathtaking...the way the colors pop as the sun slowly fades into the the horizon.

Q: What are your summer plans?
Grace Castillo (Elite Pacific Construction, Inc.):
I would like to go to Japan, Korea, Greece, or Ireland. However, it's probably better to stay home since Hawaii's temperature doesn't get as hot as the mainland or in some other countries.
Herman Hamada Jr. (Koga Engineering & Construction Inc.):
Family get togethers, playing music with the ohana. Love it when the old Hawaiian songs come out.
Lorina Modelski (Pineridge Farms, Inc.):
Family trip.
Dennis Nishiguchi (D. R. Horton Hawaii):
Family trip.
Roxanne Rivera (Leeward Roofing & General Contracting):
Lots of family beach days as the kids return home from college. Definitely need to include a stay-cation.
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