Organizations to support Maui
The wildfires have been devastating to the Maui community and our hearts go out to everyone who is experiencing this tragic incident. The GCA and our members are ready to support the people of Maui as they begin to assess and rebuild. If you would like to support the recovery efforts, please see a list of organizations below.
The Maui Strong Fund was created to provide community resilience with resources for disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. The fund is currently being used to support communities affected by the wildfires on Maui. HCF is working in close collaboration with state and county leaders, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and philanthropists to get a clear understanding of the quickly evolving priorities for the Maui community. www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org/maui-strong
Maui Nui Strong is provided by the County of Maui to help connect our residents, businesses, and visitors to useful information about Maui County, our diverse islands, and a variety of resources that help to promote thriving and vibrant communities. From here, you can launch into any number of explorations and learn more about the services, experiences, products and programs available in our wonderful County. www.mauinuistrong.info
CNHA is partnering with Native Hawaiian and community organizations and businesses to match up to $1.5 Million in donations for ʻohana impacted by the devastating wildfires on Maui. www.hawaiiancouncil.org
Providing food and resources to those in need, The Salvation Army is accepting Maui donations on its Hawaiʻi website. hawaii.salvationarmy.org
All donations will provide direct relief to families and nonprofits directly affected by the Maui Fire Disaster. mauiunitedway.org/disasterrelief
The Maui Food Bank is accepting monetary donations and items for those in need. Items requested include: Rice, canned protein (pop-tops), canned meals (pop-tops), snacks, protein and breakfast bars, peanut butter, jelly, baby food, diapers, feminine hygiene products, toothpaste / toothbrush, toilet paper, paper towels, and other toiletries. mauifoodbank.org/mauiunitedway.org/disasterrelief